Tokyo MinYo Club - "Higashi Zishi": Director / Art Director
In this music video, I wanted to share the multiple influences of the band, in terms of music, but also in terms of life style. Enjoying good time all together as a family, including the skateboard and other urban cultures, etc... but by keeping many traditional aspects, rice field, ocean side, traditional illustration (with graffiti touch) in order to illustrate the spirit of the Min'yō (民謡) (a style of Japanese accompanied folk singing). Showing Yutaka san, the shamisen player and leader of the band, in multiple places, in solo or with someone else, was the main idea. I wanted to express the eclectic part of the band by mixing modern and dynamic editing and motion graphics, contrasting with some cinematographic stages. 

Taking part of this project and joining the collective is very inspiring and exciting… the band is leaded by @oyama_yutaka and his vision of music and also his values cross mine ! A constant evolution, mix and fusion of styles and talents…
Tokyo MinYo Club 1st single "Higashi Zishi" (music video)
Director/Editor/Compositing/IllustrationsIllustrations and logos made by Hideji Terada.

Single available the July 29th
Click here for Pre Link ↓

Yutaka Oyama .......... 小山豊(津軽三味線)
Hikari Shirafuji .......... 白藤ひかり(津軽三味線)
Kanami Takeda .......... 武田佳泉(津軽三味線)
Sayo Komada .......... 駒田早代(津軽三味線)
Akihisa Kominato .......... 小湊昭尚(尺八)
Yukihiro Atsumi .......... 渥美幸裕(ギター)
Masaki Otawa .......... 大多和正樹(和太鼓)
Yasushi Fukumori .......... 福森康(ドラム)ee
Marty Holoubek .......... ホロベック(ベース)
Maiko Isobe .......... 磯部舞子(バイオリン)
Sumire Kuribayashi .......... 栗林すみれ(ピアノ)
Hideji Terada.......... テラダヒデジ(デザイン)
Makoto Fujiyama.......... 藤山誠(VJ)
Alexandre Osmoze Brakha .......... 監督

Special thanks: 
Hiruge Yuge Kuraba shop / Minami Terada /Kazuko Terada
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